brew install pyqt
Open up terminal and check:
1. “which python”
-> Wrong: /usr/bin (Apple)
-> Right: /usr/local/bin (brew)
2. “brew doctor”
3. “export”
Setup your PATH correctly to /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin
-> export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
I would recommend using QtCreator to setup a drag and drop User Interface (*.ui) File.
Afterwards we must compile the UI-File into python code (wrap it):
pyuic4 mainwindow.ui -o
If you have a Resource File QRC- File too you have to previously do:
pyrcc4 mainwindow.qrc -o
Keep in mind to replace the names according to your filenames 😉 so…
pyrcc4 <resourcefilename>.qrc -o <resourcefilename_rc>.py && pyuic4 <uifilename>.ui -o <uifilename>.py